Report a Tip
If you suspect or have encountered human trafficking, we encourage you to share any information or concerns you may have.
If you suspect trafficking, report to
the National Hotline.
Call: 1-888-373-7888
Text: 233733
Live Chat
If the scenario involves a minor (under 18) where there is "reasonable suspicion" of victimization, report to the DSS Hotline and to the local law enforcement agency.
SCDSS Hotline:
Call: 1-888-CARE4US
South Carolina Mandated Reporters
"South Carolina law requires that certain professionals report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect, because they have unique opportunities to observe and interact with children. The following professionals are mandated reporters of child abuse or neglect:
Healthcare professionals: physicians, nurses, dentists, optometrists, medical examiners or coroners or their employees, emergency medical services, mental health or allied health professionals
Educational professionals: teachers, counselors, principals, school attendance officers
Social or public assistance professionals: substance abuse treatment staff, childcare workers, foster parents
Legal professionals: police or law enforcement officers, juvenile justice workers, volunteer non-attorney guardians ad litem serving on behalf of the South Carolina Guardian ad Litem program or on behalf of Richland County CASA, judges
Undertakers, funeral home directors, or their employees
Film processors
Computer technicians
Clergy, including Christian Science Practitioners or religious healers (subject to laws governing privileged communication)"