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People Walking
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People Walking

Who We Are

The U.S. Department of State declares human trafficking is a global problem solved on a LOCAL level

through a coordinated multidisciplinary response.


Established in 2018, the Tri-County Human Trafficking Task Force uses prevention, prosecution, protection, and partnerships to implement a coordinated community response against sex and labor trafficking.


The Tri-County Human Trafficking Task Force is named by the S.C. Attorney General as the official regional task force in our area.



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Continuum of Care to Address Human Trafficking


~ Revised from the S.C. Human Trafficking Task Force's 2018 Annual Report



Mission, Vision, & Values

Mission: Implementing a trauma informed coordinated community response to end human trafficking in the Tri-County area.


Vision: To end Human Trafficking in the Tri-County area and ensure survivors and victims have access to sustainable services and support.



Be brave - Courage building work (in the arena)

  • I set clear boundaries with others

  • I lean into difficult situations, conversations, meetings, and decisions and check my motivations

  • I talk to people, not about them 

  • I professionally give and receive feedback


Serve the work - Stewardship (evidence-based)

  • I take responsibility for our community’s experience

  • I am responsible for the energy I bring to situations so I work to stay positive

  • I take ownership to adapting to the fast pace of this environment and move forward toward solutions

  • I commit to innovation and excellence, remaining current and evidence-based 


Take good care - How we take care of ourselves and each other (victim-centered)

  • I treat my colleagues with respect and compassion by responding when appropriate in a timely and professional manner

  • I practice gratitude with my team and colleagues

  • I am mindful of other people’s time

  • I am trauma informed in my interactions

People Walking

This website was produced by the Lincoln Tubman Foundation supporting Tri-County Human Trafficking Task Force initiatives under 2019-VT-BX-0112, awarded by

the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this training are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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